Network Bandwidth 를 충분히 쓰고 있음에도 서버와 통신하는 모듈에 급격한 속도 저하를 느낀다.
[Event ID]
Event ID: 2022
Source: Srv
Description: Server was unable to find a free connection n times in the last s seconds.
Event ID: 2021
Source: Srv
Description: Server was unable to create a work item %2 times in the last %3 seconds.
Event ID: 3013
Source: Rdr
Description: The redirector has timed out to Computer_Name.
즉 network의 I/O 과다 요청이 그 원인입니다.
This problem occurs because the Server service cannot keep up with the demand for network work items that are queued by the network layer of the I/O stream. The Server service cannot process the requested network I/O items quickly enough to the hard disk and exhausts available resources.
There can be many root causes for the Server service exhausting available resources.
[해결 방법]
1. Event ID 2021의 경우 레지스트리의 다음 키 값을 변경 하거나 추가 합니다.
Description: Maximum Work Items
Value Name: MaxWorkItems
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 0x2000 or 8192 (decimal)
Description: Size of a Requested Buffer
Value Name: SizReqBuf
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 0x4104 or 16644 (decimal)
2. ID 2022의 경우 레지스트리의 다음 키 값을 변경 하거나 추가 합니다.
Description: Maximum Free Connections
Value Name: MaxFreeConnections
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 0x1000 or 4096 (decimal)
Description: Minimum Free Connections
Value Name: MinFreeConnections
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 0x100 or 256 (decimal)
3. Server 를 재 부팅 하거나 server service를 재 시작합니다.
참고 : http://support.microsoft.com/?id=317249