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시스템에 Blue Screen 이 떴는데... 덤프가 발생하지 않으면 참... 난감합니다.
다음은 그런 사례 중 하나 입니다.
원래 덤프는 디바이스 드라이버를 통하지 않고 직접 쓰게 됩니다.
문제는 함부로 막 쓰게 되면 기존의 데이터를 덮어쓰거나 하는 등의 문제를 발생시킬 수도 있고, I/O의 확실성이 보장 되지 않은 경우 생성된 덤프가 무의미 해 질 수도 있을껍니다. (제 예상입니다...^^V)
그렇기 때문에 시스템은 부팅시 자신의 시스템 상태를 저장해 놓고 덤프를 생성 시키기 전 원 상태와 비교한 후 덤프를 만들지 말지를 결정하게 되는거죠...
보통 CPU, Memory, Disk, 보드의 I/O에 이상이 있을 시 덤프가 생성 되지 않습니다. 물론 블러스터 웜 바이러스(RPC 서버가 죽었습니다. 6008 오류)에 걸렸을 가능성도 있습니다.
현상 : 0x7A, 0xC0000185 (기타 파라메터는 아래를 참조하시기 바랍니다.)
해결 방법 :
하드웨어 문제라 가정할 시 Paging 파일이 위치하는 SCSI disk, the disk cabling and SCSI termination 을 모두 검사를 합니다. 물론 RAM에 문제가 있을 경우도 전반적인 0x7A가 뜨게 됩니다. 자세한 내용은 아래를 참조하세요.
출처 : http://www.osronline.com/DDKx/ddtools/bccodes_2vjb.htm
The KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR bug check has a value of 0x0000007A. This indicates that the requested page of kernel data from the paging file could not be read into memory.
The four parameters listed in the message can have two possible meanings. If the first parameter is one, two, or three, the following definitions should be used:
Parameter Description
1 Lock type that was held (1, 2, or 3)
2 Error status (usually an I/O status code)
3 If Lock Type is 1 or 2: current process
If Lock Type is 3: virtual address
4 Virtual address that could not be paged into memory
Otherwise, use the following definitions:
Parameter Description
1 Page Table Entry (PTE) address
2 Error status (usually an I/O status code)
3 Virtual address
4 Virtual address that could not be paged into memory
Frequently, the cause of this error can be determined from the error status (Parameter 2). Some common status codes are:
0xC000009A, or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES, is caused by lack of nonpaged pool resources.
0xC000009C, or STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR, is typically due to bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.
0xC000009D, or STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED, indicates defective or loose cabling, termination, or the controller not seeing the hard disk.
0xC000016A, or STATUS_DISK_OPERATION_FAILED, is also caused by bad blocks (sectors) on the hard disk.
0xC0000185, or STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR, is caused by improper termination or defective cabling on SCSI devices, or two devices attempting to use the same IRQ.
These codes are the most common ones for which specific causes have been determined. For information about other possible status codes that can be returned, see the file ntstatus.h in the Windows DDK.
Another common cause of this error message is defective hardware or failing RAM.
This bug check can also be caused by a virus infection.
Resolving the Problem
Resolving a bad block problem: An I/O status code of 0xC000009C or 0xC000016A normally indicates that the data could not be read from the disk due to a bad block (sector). If you can restart the system after the error, Autochk runs automatically and attempts to map the bad sector to prevent it’s further use.
If Autochk does not scan the hard disk for errors, you can manually launch the disk scanner. Run Chkdsk /f /r on the system partition. You must restart the system before the disk scan begins. If you cannot start the system due to the error, use the Recovery Console and run Chkdsk /r.
Warning If your system partition is formatted with the FAT file system, the long filenames used by Windows can be damaged if Scandisk or another MS-DOS-based hard disk tool is used to verify the integrity of your hard disk from MS-DOS. Always use the version of Chkdsk that matches your Windows version.
Resolving a defective hardware problem: If the I/O status is C0000185 and the paging file is on an SCSI disk, the disk cabling and SCSI termination should be checked for problems.
Resolving a failing RAM problem: Run the hardware diagnostics supplied by the system manufacturer, especially the memory scanner. For details on these procedures, see the owner’s manual for your computer.
Check that all the adapter cards in the computer are properly seated. Use an ink eraser or an electrical contact treatment, available at electronics supply stores, to ensure adapter card contacts are clean.
Check the System Log in Event Viewer for additional error messages that might help pinpoint the device that is causing the error. Disabling memory caching of the BIOS might also resolve this error.
Make sure that the latest Windows Service Pack is installed.
If the preceding steps fail to resolve the error, take the system motherboard to a repair facility for diagnostic testing. A crack, a scratched trace, or a defective component on the motherboard can cause this error.
Resolving a virus infection: You should check your computer for viruses using any up-to-date, commercial virus scanning software that examines the Master Boot Record of the hard disk. All Windows file systems can be infected by viruses.
See Also
Built on Friday, April 11, 2003